Maximum Aerobic Speed (MAS) Training


Maximum Aerobic Speed (MAS) Training

Why do MAS training? Maximum aerobic speed (MAS) training is designed to improve your aerobic capacity (VO2 max) and the duration you can maintain this speed. This is your foundation for endurance running and will help you improve your performance.


Training for Trails - S&C


Training for Trails - S&C

When training for trails the first thing to consider is your running mechanics and technique. Your running style will differ somewhat from road running, with the changes to surfaces and the undulating terrain. A good way of looking at running on trails would be comparing road and offroad vehicles. If a non-offroad vehicle drives over difficult, uneven tracks then there is a good chance it may breakdown. This is the same for running on trails, if the body is not conditioned to run on trails then there is an increased chance of getting injured.


Conditioned to Run

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Conditioned to Run

Good running mechanics and technique is the first thing to consider when training for running. It is then important to reinforce good running mechanics. When the body can cope with consistently landing on one foot for a desired length of the time, then the body is conditioned to run.

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Running Strength and Conditioning Exercises

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Running Strength and Conditioning Exercises

The idea of this article is to be use as a reference point for exercises to condition the body to run. The list of exercises have links on how to perform them. With running there are a few key areas that you need to focus and work on, to get the body conditioned to run. These areas will provide the foundations to build off in order to improve your running:

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Learning how to run

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Learning how to run

The mechanics of running is something that is rarely taught at school or at sports clubs. However it is a movement that is used in most sports. Running has one of the highest rates of injuries within sport, which is why it  is important to go back to the basic mechanics of running. 

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BREATHING - Exercising and Relaxing


BREATHING - Exercising and Relaxing

Breathing is what keeps us all alive and is something we do every day unconsciously but probably pay little attention to. Correct breathing can help with muscle relaxation, reducing the onset of fatigue and helps create midline stability. When exercising, breathing properly is probably the most important thing to address. Learn More →



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At school or when you were growing up, you were probably taught how to swim and this is because if you can’t swim then the chances are you will probably drown when you jump into the pool. However the majority of people, have never been taught how to run. So there is no surprise why there is such a high rate of injuries due to running Learn More →

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